Protect Solar Rights in Wisconsin

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Tell Wisconsin’s utility regulators to keep rooftop solar affordable! #SaveSolarWisconsin

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Utility bills are already too high. Now monopoly utilities are lobbying regulators for rate changes that will make hader and more expensive for people to go solar. Rooftop solar helps families take control of their own energy and lower their electricity bills.

Madison Gas & Electric and Wisconsin Power & Light (Alliant Energy) are pushing regulators to raise rates and add more fees to your utility bill. They also want the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin to allow them to reduce and eliminate a bill credit solar owners receive for any extra energy they produce and send back to the grid. This credit system is called net metering.

Net metering makes solar affordable and lowers your energy savings. Monopoly utilities are working across the U.S. to eliminate net metering to stop more homes and businesses from using rooftop solar. By chipping away at these bill credits, utilities make it harder for families to go solar.

Solar also paves the way to make energy more affordable, regardless of income. In Madison, extremely low-income households are spending up to 10% of their income on energy costs, almost twice the 6% considered an unaffordable energy burden. Rooftop solar can help reduce this burden and give families a pathway towards financial stability.

Utility regulators need to hear from solar supporters like you. Here’s what you can do:

  • Send your messages to the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin using the links below. Note: The PSCW allows one comment per case. You don’t have to be a customer of the utility to share why regulators should keep net metering. Use the sample messages and (one for each case) and use buttons below these instructions to make each of your submissions.
  • Copy/paste the sample messages below into the comments box to get started. Personalize your comments with your solar story. Whether you have solar, are interested in going solar or work in the solar industry your perspective is powerful.

  • Take action before it’s too late! Send your message before the deadlines: 

MGE – September 26
Alliant Energy/Wisconsin Power & Light – October 4

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 Sample message to MGE:

I am writing to express my strong opposition to changes to net metering as outlined in Madison Gas & Electric’s (MGE) proposal, which is under consideration in Docket 3270-UR-125.

 As a concerned resident of Wisconsin, I am troubled by the proposed changes to net metering and the impact on anyone who owns, is interested in rooftop solar. MGE’s proposal unreasonably cuts the value of the credit rooftop solar owners generate and send back to the grid. This negatively impacts the adoption of rooftop solar systems in our state.

For those who are grappling with various economic challenges, energy bills are already taking a financial toll. This proposal would make it more difficult for people who cannot afford the upfront costs of going solar and limit their ability to tap into the energy savings generated by their rooftop solar system.

Net metering benefits everyone. It keeps solar economically viable for more homeowners, businesses, farms and nonprofits to harness the power of the sun. Encouraging the growth of solar power benefits not only individual homeowners but also our quality of life and the state’s energy grid as a whole. The proposed reduction to the value of net metering, if approved, would diminish the financial incentives for homeowners to invest in solar panels. It would reduce the savings associated with rooftop solar systems, making them less financially attractive for potential adopters. This is counterproductive to our state’s renewable energy goals.

I urge the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin to carefully consider the impact of MGE’s proposal on the affordability of rooftop solar and the future of clean energy adoption. It is essential to prioritize the long-term benefits of renewable energy sources like solar power over short-term financial gains for utility companies.

I respectfully request that you reject the net metering changes in Madison Gas & Electric’s proposal (Docket 3270-UR-125) and instead work towards policies that support reliable and clean energy options for Wisconsin residents.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I hope you will consider the concerns of Wisconsin residents like myself who believe in the importance of accessible, clean, and affordable energy.

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Sample Message to Alliant Energy/ WPL:

I am writing to urgently emphasize the critical need for fair net metering policies in Wisconsin. The proposed changes to net metering currently under review in Docket No. 6680-UR-124 pose an immediate threat to our ability to invest in rooftop solar and undermine our efforts to increase clean energy adoption.

Net metering is not just a policy; it is the lifeline that empowers people to take control of their energy costs., This important policy allows every Wisconsin home, farm, business, and nonprofit to embrace solar energy. Beyond individual cost-savings, rooftop solar improves the reliability of our grid, promotes energy independence and keeps solar affordable and within reach for all Wisconsinites.

Alliant Energy’s current proposal brings with it a cloud of uncertainty that hangs heavily over anyone currently considering a transition to solar energy. This proposal would replace net metering with a confusing system of charges and credits, subject to constant change.This complex pricing structure will make it nearly impossible for solar owners to plan and budget for rooftop solar investments.

Rooftop solar is also a pathway for  economically disadvantaged communities to directly benefit from clean energy and provides energy burdened households with much-needed relief from high utility bills. 

Eliminating net metering would derail our progress in advancing rooftop solar in Wisconsin. I respectfully request that you reject the changes to net metering in Alliant Energy’s proposal (Docket 6680-UR-124) and instead work towards policies that support reliable and clean energy options for Wisconsin residents.  

Thank you for your consideration. 

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    • It allows solar customers to receive full, fair retail credit from their utility for the excess energy they produce and share with neighbors. 
    • People and businesses across the state rely on net metering so they can take control of their own energy. 
    • The Wisconsin solar industry supports 185 companies and more than 3,200 jobs. 

We can’t let monopoly utilities undermine our right to net metering at a time when we can least afford it.

Wisconsin’s leaders need to hear our voices so they know that strong solar policy matters to you, your family, and your community. 

Bottom line: Don’t let monopoly utilities kill rooftop solar! Take action today.
